Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

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Lower School (K – 6th)

The Foundation of a Classical Christian Education

Beginning with even our youngest Transitional Kindergarten students, we endeavor to intentionally model and instill the Godly characteristics of virtue, grace, self-discipline, discernment, wisdom, and eloquence in our students through our teaching methods, our curricular choices, and both our personal and collective daily Biblical pursuits.

Trinity Academy’s Lower School provides the Grammar Stage foundation for our students by introducing new subjects with explicit vocabulary, pertinent facts, and the mastery of basic skills. Does this sound a bit stodgy and boring? Walk through our halls on any given day, and you may get a glimpse of the following: the singing of grammar jingles, the pairing of students memorizing historical speeches or Scripture, a group of enthusiastic, bouncy boys and girls using motions and words to recite a historical timeline, or singing silly rhymes to learn the basic human body systems. We are serious about what we teach and how we teach it, but we are at the same time winsome and energetic in our delivery and style.

Trinity’s Lower School wants to partner with you to create a dynamic school environment where your child will flourish under the guidance of grace-filled teachers using time-tested teaching methods in an academically challenging, yet developmentally appropriate atmosphere.


Transitional Kindergarten


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Sixth Grade

Lower School Faculty

Trinity Academy is proud of our carefully selected faculty and staff. Our Lower School teachers have a genuine love for children and are passionate about helping shape their futures.

Ready to experience the Trinity Difference?