Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

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Cultivating Souls to Love the True, the Good, and the Beautiful

Classical Christian education aims to cultivate virtue and wisdom in students so they will live for the glory of God, flourishing as human beings and loving both God and neighbor. It pursues these goals through an ordered exploration of the True, the Good, and the Beautiful that is grounded in the liberal arts tradition and that forms students’ affections and the habits of lifelong learning.

Liberal Arts Education

Trinity still believes that a liberal arts education is the best form of education. And while this idea is often challenged in today’s educational climate, we remain just as interested in who our students will become as we are in what they will do. To this end, Upper School students take classes in Ethics, Logic, Rhetoric, and the History of Ideas, just to name a few. Combine that with expert teaching in science, math, modern language, humanities, and fine arts, and your child will be fully prepared to enter even the most highly esteemed academic institutions of higher learning.

Lower, Middle, and High School

Trinity’s approach to education begins with an intentional portrait of who we want our
graduates to become. This end goal shapes our every decision. Ours is a top-down, 12-K approach. Using classical methods that match how children learn, our curriculum is designed to encourage mastery in ways that “fit” a child’s development. To learn more about Trinity Academy’s Lower, Middle and High School, click below.