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Planned Giving Strategies

Leave A Legacy

Planned Giving is not just about what you're leaving behind - it's also understanding strategies that can help you today. Whether you’re planning a gift for this year, over the next five years or one that is outlined in your will, Planned Giving offers so many vehicles to help optimize your giving potential and maximize your tax savings.

Not all assets are treated equally and the best vehicles for giving are different for each donor. Your financial advisor is the best person to help guide you through the process. If you don’t have a financial advisor, Trinity has some great wealth management partners who would be happy to meet with you; or plan to join us for our next Planned Giving Seminar.


There are valuable strategies in making your gifts more impactful for you and your charity:

  • The impact of your gift and your tax savings can be made greater through stock transfers, rather than selling and gifting stock.
  • Donating stock directly rather than selling it first, can reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes.
  • Using a Donor Advised Fund allows you to receive the tax benefit in the current year but distribute to your charities of choice later.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts allow you to donate a non-cash asset to your charity of choice while still providing annual income for your lifetime. Charitable Lead Trusts can help avoid estate taxes, while your charity of choice receives income for a specific period of time.
  • For those 70 ½ years of age, Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) can reduce a retiree’s taxable income which determines Medicare premiums.
  • IRA and Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) charitable transfers can help reduce tax implications for you and/or your heirs.

Understanding the tax implications of the gifts you leave behind

Taxable Assets Real Estate
  • Heirs receive without any embedded income tax liability
  • Charity receives without tax implications
IRA, 401k, and Retirement Plan Assets
  • Heirs required to withdraw annually, usually within 10 years, and fully taxed at ordinary income tax rates
  • Charity receives without tax implications
Non-Qualified Annuities
  • Heirs will still owe ordinary income tax on any gains when they take withdrawals
  • Charity receives value without owing tax on the embedded gains in the contract value

Important note: IRAs and Annuities have their own beneficiary forms and do not go through probate. As such, your will or trust does not direct where the value goes at your death. To optimize the after-tax value to your heirs, you need to utilize the beneficiary change forms on these assets to facilitate an estate gift to a charity.

YOUR philanthropic aspirations hold immense potential to advance Trinity Academy’s mission both now and in the years to come. Send an email to Trinity’s Development Office at or call us at 919.786.0114 ext. 1723 to discuss your Planned Giving.
