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Comprehensive Music Education

Our comprehensive and enriching music program includes music theory, the history of music, and the art of performance. Whether your child is new to music training or music is their greatest passion, we believe that every child can develop a sincere and life-long love of fine arts.

Lower School Music

Trinity Academy music classrooms are inspired by the Kodály philosophy. The Kodály philosophy emphasizes the importance of music education in early childhood and seeks to develop a strong foundation in music literacy through active participation, singing, and movement. Students engage in a variety of activities, including singing games, folk songs, rhythmic exercises, and dances. They learn to read and write music notation and develop their ability to sightread and perform music on various instruments. Alongside the study of music theory and music history, students explore the rich history of sacred music though a monthly hymn study.

Lower School students perform at our Lessons and Carols Service and at the Lower School Spring Concert. Additionally, interested students have the opportunity to use their gifts in Night of the Arts, private music lessons study, and Children’s Chorus. Students are also offered a chance to audition for the North Carolina Elementary Honors Chorus (4th – 6th grades) and the Organization of American Kodály Educators National Choirs (4th – 12th). The program fosters an early development of appreciation for beauty while encouraging students to develop their God-given talents and abilities with joy.

“A child should not collect concepts and definitions, but the treasures of music. There will be plenty of time to evaluate, arrange, and review them later.”

Zoltan Kodály

High School Music

The Upper School Music program (Grades 7th-12th) is both Classical and Christian in its procedures and goals. As such, the foundation for every middle and high school music class is the exploration of truth, beauty, and goodness. Drawing from the best of music education philosophies, our program trains young musicians to grow in skill and in delight in music as a gift from God.

In each Upper School Music class, students grapple with two questions through a biblical worldview: “What is music?” and “What is music good for?” By God’s design, music-listening and music-making have an enchanting way of planting truth more deeply into the heart and soul. In that spirit, students are encouraged to engage at the emotional level with the music they are listening to and creating. Music also illuminates God’s beauty and goodness in all that He is, and in all that He has created.

On an academic level, the study of music has a positive influence in many other subject domains and content areas. Music classes in a classical school make connections to the Math, History, Literature, and Science studies that students pursue.

Middle School General Music

Whether involved in General Music studies, or the Middle School Chamber Choir, all middle school students take a music class. All music class offerings for seventh and eighth grade involve music history and music theory studies, vocal instruction, and instruction on classroom instruments. Performance opportunities in choral and instrumental music are part of all music classes and include events such as the Fall and Spring Upper School Concerts as well as Lessons and Carols in December.

High School Concert Choir

This is offered as an elective for grades 9-12. Students are instructed in vocal technique, diction, music theory, and choral blend. Repertoire from different genres and time periods are enjoyed, analyzed, and sung. Students will also work with texts in different languages. Music is chosen carefully with the voices and individuals in mind that make up the choir in each given year. Students in the choir have a number of opportunities to use and grow their singing gifts during the school year performing in the Fall and Spring Concerts, the Veterans Day Assembly, Lessons and Carols in December, and Night of the Arts in the spring. The High School Concert Choir is also called upon on occasion to entertain at other special events or to help lead worship in Upper School Chapel. The capstone of the year is an end of year regional choral competition in Williamsburg, Virginia; however, last year, the Choir sang at Carnegie Hall in lieu of the competition. (For individual choir members wanting an additional rewarding challenge, the director will invite promising students to audition for the NC Honors Choir in the fall.)

Within the Concert Choir, there are further opportunities for small ensemble singing:  the men’s ensemble, Cantus, or the women’s ensemble, Harmonia. These small groups are by audition and sing at the Fall and Spring Concerts, as well as Lessons and Carols. More complex music, in various styles from pop to classical are sung by these two groups.

Advanced Musicianship

This is a “by audition” class for grades 9-12. In classical medieval universities, Music was studied as part of the Quadrivium, along with Arithmetic, Geometry, and Astronomy. In keeping with Trinity’s distinctive classical model, all Upper School Music classes and Choirs study the “math” of music, but in Advanced Musicianship, students engage in higher-level study of music theory principles and concepts. In addition to Music Theory, units in Music History and Appreciation are also offered. Students interact with major classical music periods as well as jazz, rock, country, world music, and other genres. Students will apply concepts they are learning in theory to the process of music-making in ensemble with others during class time labs that culminate in mandatory performances such as the Fall and Spring concerts, and Lessons and Carols. Students in Advanced Musicianship may also be called on to play for Upper School Chapel.