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Welcome from Head of School


I am honored to serve as Head of School at Trinity Academy, where we seek to glorify God through Christ-centered classical education. Knowing Christ as the one in whom “all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17) emboldens us to investigate theology, history, literature, philosophy, science, and mathematics as potential expressions of worship that are as varied as they are unified. Trinity’s mission is to equip students to live with wisdom, excellence, and purpose in the modern world by offering an education grounded in the Christian faith and the classical tradition.

Schools like Trinity Academy are training grounds where future researchers, government officials, business leaders, and families are learning to integrate their biblical convictions with their aspirations. I am excited to serve a school that equips young people to be lifelong learners who can evaluate life with precision, because they live with conviction. In partnership with parents, students, faculty, and churches, we will deliver the very best education possible: a classical, Christ-centered education that highlights the true, the good, and the beautiful.

My wife and I have four children who are also part of the Trinity community of faith and learning. We can speak from a parental perspective when we say that we love it here. Our children are loved, challenged, and encouraged by their highly qualified teachers – and yours will be, too.

If you would like to read an in-depth explanation of Trinity’s approach to Classical Christian Learning, you can do so here. You will discover how authentic faith and a Christian world-view are woven into everything we do.

Or schedule a visit and encounter it first-hand in our classrooms. I look forward to meeting you and discussing how I might be of service to your family.

Timothy Bridges, PhD