Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

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The Trinity Difference

Trinity Academy is a close-knit community of faith and learning, where students feel safe and nurtured. Our vision is to shape future generations with culture-transforming, Christian worldview thinking that is rooted in the true, the good, and the beautiful.

At Trinity Academy, your child will be surrounded by a loving community that wants to partner with you for the academic and spiritual formation of your child. If you have been searching for a Classical Christian school in Raleigh, look no further.

Why Trinity?

In the modern world, parents may feel as if they have few choices for their child’s education that align with their family values. We know the Raleigh area has many school options. We invite you to experience our community, our campus, and our classrooms where the Trinity Difference is palpable, and you and your child find what you’ve been searching for – a place to belong.

Trinity Academy’s Hallmarks

Trinity Academy views its mission as a series of promises to be fulfilled – to our students and to our families. Our promises center on “Five Hallmarks” that encapsulate our commitments to those who choose to partner with us for the education of their child(ren).

Authentic Christ-Like Culture

An authentic Christ-like culture is one that encourages Christians to walk humbly, honestly, and thoughtfully before their God and with one another. We promote a school culture in which a student’s faith can thrive in our community. In and out of the classroom, we encourage reverence, but we also welcome difficult questions that allow students to own their faith. Our priorities are Kingdom-oriented and we enjoy a robust spiritual growth program that includes Chapel, Character Development, Religious Studies classes, and a number of faculty-led Bible studies. We recognize that man’s greatest need is not education, but redemption. We seek heart change, not mere behavior modification and that is why our discipline is handled in the form of discipleship. We want our students to seek godly wisdom, not mere knowledge, and live lives that use that wisdom to serve God and transform the culture.

Distinctive Classical Program

Classical learning uses methodologies, a philosophy, and a curriculum that set it apart from other models of education. Students are immersed in an education that recognizes the relationship of all skills and subjects to each other and teaches the foundational skills that every later subject requires. A foundation in grammar, logic, rhetoric, languages, and philosophy prepares students to be life-long learners who excel in the sciences, math and the humanities. Classical education has endured for centuries and has been tested and proven. The methods don’t work because they are Classical. They are Classical because they work.

Inspirational Learning Environment

Our faculty moves the intellect and emotions of students to action and invention by immersing them in truth, goodness, and beauty through the wonder of science, the structure and order of math, the genius of the arts, and the living stories of great books. We desire for our facilities and learning environments to support and promote the same. Our physical presence should match our spiritual strength.

Exemplary Organization

Our stakeholders deserve a commitment to excellence in all facets of our organization: communication and marketing, financial integrity, policies and procedures, health and safety, orderliness, accountability and professionalism. We are charged with stewardship of your precious resources and are committed to being efficient and effective in our work so we can prioritize you. The Christian should be exemplary in his life, as well as correct in his doctrines and worthy of imitation.

Thriving Future

If a school plans only year-to-year and fails to plan for the long term, its vision will feel short-sighted and erratic and will miss the mark. We are committed to investing time, energy and resources into expanding our campus and programming so that we can continue to shape future generations with culture-transforming, Christian worldview thinking, until the day Christ returns.

Trinity Academy’s Annual Reports

Ready to dive in and learn more about Trinity? View the past six Annual Reports below.

Learn More About Trinity Academy

Trinity is committed to maintaining an environment where students, staff and families are meeting the highest academic standards while living a Christ-centered life. To learn more about Trinity Academy and how we cultivate this environment, click below.