Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

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Parents and Teachers at Trinity (PATT)

A Partnership for your Child’s Education

Trinity’s community of faith and learning is also comprised of Trinity parents who are caring and sacrificial. They give their time and talents in addition to their treasures in many areas: classroom volunteers, prayer warriors, event coordinators and decorators, room parents, team parents, field trip chaperones, meal coordinators for those hurting or in need, the list goes on. Parents grow their relationships with other parents through shared experiences and develop lifelong friendships that model the body of Christ. Leadership and members of PATT host Equip and Sip Events, Lower School Book Club, PATT Chats, and Spirit Nights at local restaurants.

PATT Information

Our purpose is to organize volunteers to support, in cooperation with the Headmaster/Principal and the Trinity Academy Board of Directors, the ongoing operations at Trinity Academy in the areas of communication, facilities, fundraising and service to the teachers and students. PATT is a non-policy-making organization working to honor God through the nurturing of our school family.

Membership includes any teacher, parent or legal guardian of a child or children currently enrolled in Trinity Academy. Annual Dues: $25.00 per family (Payable online using this link.)

Meetings: Typically last Friday of the month. For exact dates, check the One-Page Calendar here.

Opportunities to Get Involved: Use this link to explore all the committees and opportunities for you to be involved.

Leadership: President is Laura Brubaker. Co-VPs are Casey Parvin and Laurin Ritchie. Treasurer is Brandy Lanier and Secretary is Julie Cash. Contact us at

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