Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

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A Trinity Classical Education

A Transformative Educational Experience

If you desire to provide your child with an education that unites authentic faith, rigorous academics, and a Christian worldview – within a community of mission-minded families – then we invite you to learn more about classical Christian education at Trinity Academy.

Classical education has endured for centuries by teaching students in ways that are consistent with their cognitive development. The methods do not work because they are classical. They are classical because they work! Emerging research in the field of educational psychology has confirmed that classical methodologies align with human brain development and aid in brain formation in ways that modern educational methods do not. The outcome of a classical education is a mind that flourishes in changing circumstances. Classical education leads to mastery of hard skills like conceptual thinking, problem solving, effective communication, and analysis – skills that are rare in an increasingly digital culture. We remain committed to developing the whole student, not just preparing them for a career.


Starting With Our Youngest Learners

As students grow spiritually, intellectually, and socially, we want them to foster similar growth in society. As St. Augustine of Hippo taught, we seek to lead the citizens of earth toward citizenship in heaven. Furthermore, we seek to instill in students the desire to introduce the values of the heavenly kingdom into the kingdom they presently inhabit. Beginning with our youngest Transitional Kindergarten students, we intentionally model the Godly characteristics of virtue, grace, self-discipline, discernment, wisdom, and eloquence in our students through our teaching methods, our curricular choices, and our pursuits.

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Trinity Academy Classical Distinctives

A Trinity Academy graduate will have studied Logic, Rhetoric, Ethics, and Apologetics. They will know how to listen to varying opinions, persuade an audience, discern fallacies, and defend their positions on a range of issues. Our students master the hard skills of critical analysis and effective communication in High School, displayed most prominently during Senior Thesis defenses. This capstone project of a Trinity education is like a tapestry: a woven work of art, purposely composed of foundational threads and made beautiful in its finished form. These distinctives produce Trinity graduates who are life-long learners, prepared for university and beyond.