Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

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Why Trinity?

Welcome to Our Community of Faith and Learning

Classical, Christian, Community – these three words have described Trinity Academy since its founding. Our approach to student learning is classical. Our foundation is Jesus Christ, the One in whom all things hold together (Colossians 1:17). If your family is seeking a community where learning is rooted in timeless ideals that eclipse cultural shifts and sociological trends, and where student spiritual formation is at the forefront, then we invite you to partner with us.

Your most important investment - your child’s K-12 education – is a decision that should include significant research, in-person visits, and conversations with other mission-minded families - all bathed in prayer.

With so many quality schools in Raleigh, we want to help answer the question, “Why Trinity?” Take a moment to experience Trinity Academy through the stories of our students and parents.

Act Your Age

She hugs her dad tightly when he drops her at Trinity Academy in the morning, but then walk-runs to class, giddy with anticipation of the day’s sure-to-be-amazing adventures. She high-fives the high schoolers she encounters between campus buildings. She is first from her seat when her class ‘sings’ History, her small voice the loudest. In every learning space, along each hallway, across playing fields, and down winding nature trails, Trinity is a joy-filled place where children can still be children. This is how school should be.

Learn How to Think

The boy’s teacher begins class with a question. As other students respond, the teacher parries and advances their ideas. The teacher poses more questions, challenging his classmates’ assumptions. The room is abuzz. The boy follows the evolving discussion with effort, and it reminds him of sports in its near-physicality and pace. When he transferred to Trinity Academy, he believed school was about getting the right answers. Now he sees it is as much about asking the right questions. More than what to think, he is learning how to think.

Find Your Faith

He’s not sure what he believes. It makes him feel like an outsider. There is a Trinity teacher he trusts. One morning, before school, the boy asks the teacher if they can talk. “I don’t know if I believe in God,” the boy confides. The Teacher-Mentor surprises the boy by encouraging him that it’s okay to question his faith. In fact, “An unexamined faith is not worth keeping,” the teacher says, paraphrasing Socrates. The boy’s faith journey has reached another milestone. While he feared his questions betrayed his faith, they were actually moving him closer to it.

Open Your World

For as long as she can remember, she wanted to be an engineer like her father. Tonight, performing on stage, she wants even more. With each note she reaches, with each rhythmic step and stomp, her heart soars higher. When she finishes, and there is silence in Founders Hall, she feels goose bumps on her arms. Then the applause explodes. In that moment, the trajectory of the young woman’s entire life – of every day that will follow – shifts. Trinity Academy isn’t just opening her mind. It’s opening her world.

Discover God’s Design

As she watches her son receive the diploma, the mother reflects on everything the once-reticent boy has become during his years at Trinity Academy. Accountable. Adaptable. Ambitious. Analytical. Articulate. Authentic. Bold. Collaborative. Compassionate. Confident. Creative. Curious. Encouraging. Faith-Filled. Focused. Funny. Humble. Innovative. Intuitive. Optimistic. Resilient. Thoughtful. Beyond an education, Trinity has been a transformative experience. Her son – her little boy – is simply discovering God’s design. He can do all things…

Transform Tomorrow

The young woman receives scholarship offers from colleges across the country. She chooses a school to study medicine and neuroscience. She thrives there. People question how she can be a scientist and a Christian. She represents her faith, winsomely, in the classroom and around campus. As a physician and scientist, she is determined to Transform Tomorrow. She will treat underprivileged women from all corners of the world in a virtual exam room; she will digitally map patients’ minds to save the memories of the aged and impaired. Some say her Tomorrow is impossible. This Trinity Academy alumna likes to imagine beyond the impossible. It’s how she was taught to think at school back in Raleigh.

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