Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

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Mission, Vision, and History


“The mission of Trinity Academy is to equip students to live with wisdom, excellence, and purpose in the modern world by offering an education grounded in the Christian faith and the classical tradition.”

We call students to pursue truth, beauty, and goodness in every facet of their Trinity education, all within the context of a Christian worldview. In partnership with parents, we equip young people to be lifelong learners who can evaluate life with precision, because they live with conviction.


“To shape future generations with culture-transforming, Christian worldview thinking.”

In 1999 when Trinity Academy was first founded, we had a vision of a school that provided students with a unique education. We wanted a place that had superior academics, but also put Christ at the center of all we do. Today, that vision still rings true. As we look to the future, we are committed to continue to deliver the very best education possible: a classical, Christ-centered education that highlights the true, the good, and the beautiful.


In the 1990s, multiple families in the Raleigh area were searching for a faith-based school with a strong education. These families joined forces and created two schools; Regent, which was a kindergarten through 8th grade school, and Trinity Academy, which was a 9th through 12th grade school. After a few years of operating independently, the two schools became one – Trinity Academy of Raleigh. In 2005, Trinity Academy of Raleigh moved to its permanent home on Baileywick Road, in North Raleigh. Now, more than 25 years later, Trinity Academy still upholds the values of the founding families and remains true to our mission.